Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It sometimes bothers me to think about having to send my kid to 'school' next year. Jien is born few days short for another new year so I always think that it is unfair to start him early as he will be short of few months just practically do nothing but resting, watching TV and playing at HOME. He is just 2y 4m! Come on, giv him a break!

But lately, I notice something different of him. He is eager to go to the playground now. He starts to show some boredom to be frank. He can't wait till Saturday so that hubby will bring him for 'excursions' at parks or zoo or mallsssss....(again?) Even on Sundays when we are in hometown, he also showed some levels of 'boredom' unless his cousins are there to play with him.

Perhaps it is time to let him go. At least once or twice a week I guess. I was thinking of music and art class for now. Nothing acedemic. He has at least 20 years to do that so let him soak in the thing that he loves first.

Actually he is quite a fast learner; He could write most of the alphabet now and recognised both the capital and small letters. He could also write from 1-20 now..not bad huh?? He is also learning to count now. Shapes? Sap sap sui!!

p/s : Please..........we do not force him or anything but he is ever so in love with his drawing board and this is, I think, is his 5th ones....

Oh...I just hope I am doing the right thing.....CLASSES, here we come!

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Anonymous clair said...

Great job, mommmy, your Jien sounds like a really smart boy. 2.5yo and can do alphabets, numbers and shapes - that's fantastic. Reminds me of my son :) when he was that age, he could also recognize words and read simple stuff but not good at art like your boy, haha. For moms, this sort of progress is really amazing esp with first born, eh :)

8:38 AM  
Anonymous ShannonC. said...

wah, he's really very advance huh...
there's a music class (kinderbeat) in bukit raja which we send rachel to... she enjoys that very much...
i've been told the same syllabus (from australia) is taught in many different music schools... u might want to check that out...

9:31 AM  
Anonymous huisia said...

wow, he is so boy, 5 yrs old still cannot write his ABC properly :)

3:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

teach him autocad...later he can help u to draw ur plans...

3:49 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

wow! read?? hahah, he cannot do that still la!! you boy is MARVELOUS! :)

will check if they have any branch in KL. I am looking at yamaha school or just FIT FOR 2 for simple dance/music class..:)

aiyoyo, Jien can't hold a pencil properly also la!! Using his drawing board and simply doodle only...writing all senget2 one! :p

wei tee,
taukeh! dont want autocad la...ask him to explore 3D modelling better la! at least he can do his monsters, cartoons, trains in 3D also not bad mah hor?? :) I suppose your daughter know how to draft already la??! :)

5:28 PM  
Anonymous mott said...

Think you're doing such a great job! Jien is such a smart kid...thanks to you!!!

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Seow Wei said...

Wow...Jien is certainly a very bright boy! I think it is time for more new stimulations and new esposures, he will absorb like a sponge! Don't think of it as 'school' lah, it is just another fun place for him to play!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Marsha Maung said...

gosh, this reminds me of my Joshua...never part with his doodle board. it's true, let him develop his own interest naturally. no need to force-force wan. otherwise, you might get opposite reaction. :-)))

11:45 PM  

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