Monday, June 02, 2008


Yes! Finally!

My boy is finally 'off' my breasts! It is 1 year 5 months and a week to be exact for the 'breast feeding days'! The longest in my family history! Yahooooo! It has been 3 nights without the 'tasty yummy' milk from me and he is doing great. *smile*

From 100% nursing for 6 months ...
Then expressing milk in the day time if possible ...
Then cutting-off the day time supply ...
Then cutting-off the night time feeding ...
Till the before-sleep comfort sucking ...

It was NOT easy though. He struggled quite a bit. Poor him. I kept talking and telling him that he is a big boy now and that big boy does not 'drink' from mama but from bottle and cup. I repeated till he could repeat after me for the 'bottle & cup' part! (of course, only I understand what he is 'talking'). I never forget to tell him that I still love him as much. He asked for it and make that 'sucking' sound. And with me kept singing and patting him, he dozed off.

I love you, baby! Though you are a 'BIG' boy now, you would always be a baby to me and I love you, ALWAYS! Kiss Kiss Kiss!

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Blogger Lin Peh said...

Next..Your hubby will be ON YOUR BREAST! HAHAHAHH!

6:04 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

haha, as I said : FINALLY! :P

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... well done! I wonder how tough it will be when it's time for me to wean off my boy as he can't sleep without mummy's breast on every night!

5:38 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

wonderful life,
My boy used to be like that too. But i kept telling him he is a BIG BOY now. I showed him some baby photos and them sucking from mothers. He buys the idea that he is BIG now. hehehe....

9:34 PM  

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