Monday, May 05, 2008


My boy is growing fast. He comes running and storming nowadays and pretty much know how to get what he wants by a very powerful tool - CRY and true enough, he IS crying with tears flowing but as his mum, I knew he is just playing a trick so that he could get my attention and most importantly, get the thing that HE wants. Good gracious. It seems that nothing can stop him from touching and 'ruining' the house except for one little factor - height! Jien is absolutely shaken and scared of height!

For instance, even a small drop of say 3", he would ponder to step down. And this is even so if there is a change in colour or material. He would stood still and cement his feet down and would not budge a little. I would have to do much of coaxing and try to remove his 'frozen' feet one at a time!

This pretty much reflects myself. Actually I am myself quite an acrophobia person. No doubts that I had scaled one of the ranges in Nepal, I have to admit I AM still afraid of height. I have no qualms about going up hill but I have doubts about coming down. I always have the feeling that I took the wrong step and I will start rolling down like a humpty dumpty! That is even more so when I have Jien in my tummy! I will be so careful and have that insane phobia that I will grip on to railing or hubby, SO tightly!

One thing for sure - I did not know this is inheritable. And for a one-year-plus, he loves climbing and scaling - upwards. But when he then 'realize' his position and 'height', he would start crying for help.

I wonder I was like this when I was little. :)

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Blogger ROYAL JESTER said...

Hi Blinka,
Jien looks so panjang already. Baby fat off already. Boys like that.mine now so skinny, miss their baby fats!heheh..
loved your design for the Parkview aprt.My taste la tu..hehe..
Anyway, just to announce that my shopping blog is up again..
Do come and have a look and who knows, u might want to purchase.tx.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Contented Mum said...

wah, yuor boy is growing so tall ya, and so handsome.

4:16 PM  

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