Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Jien loves to do spelling. He is still reading his old picture books but this time around, he paid lots of attention to actually spell out the words.. He enjoys it. He started reading signs on the roads, reading some simple story books etc and I can tell that he is so happy as he can finally do some actual reading!!

And best of all, he is influencing his brother to start picking up books to 'read'.

So in the morning, there would be heaps of books lying on the floor as my Jung will start to read (flip, turn and EAT and CHEW!) the books. Oh, I am so
proud, I must say! Haha!

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Anonymous Clairity said...

He's off to a great start. It can be quite challenging getting boys to read but hey, it looks like you got a winner there :)

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Seow Wei said...

Yo! Jien can really write very well..CLEVER!

4:27 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

:P I am a lucky mum..in some way..

Clever or not is too early to say but really hor, he is a very blur person most of the time and I can tell you he is very blur in his school and he is popular because of that...poor thing!

10:33 AM  

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