Friday, October 03, 2008

Music is in the air

'Baby Orchestra' has been one of his favourites VCD at 1.5 yo. And now he loves the Little Einsteins. He recognizes quite a number of musical instruments - wood block, harmonica, tuba, flutes, clarinets, bass, violins, guitar, harp etc. His favourite? I think is drum and piano for now.

The best thing is he enjoyed classical music quite a bit. I want to laugh when I see him waving his hands the other night when I was so bored with the 613 channel in Astro and tuned into the Opus instead.

I do not expect him to be one great musician one day but I had always thought that a child who loves music could not be that bad either. As for myself, with music, I have a strong bond with my primary and secondary schoolmates in the school band and our friendship lasted till today. I am glad too that my choice of music is quite the same as hubby's.

I hope this boy continues to love and enjoy music just like me and his papa do. :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little Beethoven in the making, huh? It's good for them to start young. Mine never showed an interest, not only that, they make me listen to Linkin Park every night.

5:16 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

beethoven? aiyo, no need la. All artists/musicians very siao one...I don't think my boy would or could be one...kekekeke.
And u did went for the concert!not bad mah! :P young at heart!! keke

11:05 AM  
Blogger Contented Mum said...

Great musician in the making! I sure hope my girl will pick up some musical instrument. They only like to sing at the moment.

2:26 PM  

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