Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So much had been said about how 'smart' Jien is at his age, we as parent still can't help but to worry that our child might be slight...yeah, pinch, a bit, tiny bit maybe - autistic.

Maybe he watches too much TV. He is just too absorb in it and I kinda regret allowing hubby to buy him computer at times. He is just SO SO into it and therefore, self-absorption.

Maybe he is not the chatty type. He can hardly hold a proper conversation with me or hubby for more than 5 minutes (teaching session is different, which could last for about 10 mins or more). His eyes contact is, well, I must confess - poor.

He is always seem restless. He can walk and walk and stand for hours without 'sitting' or people say 'diam-diam' for even a minute! So, friends always commented that he is rather hyperactive. Which I thought that hyper kid should be jumping and running A LOT which my kid doesn't.

The act that chills us both is the fact that he loves to

arrange things, the trait that an autistic kid loves to do or MUST DO.

We are still observing at the meantime. Hoping and praying that we are wrong.


Anonymous mott said...

Just to reassure you...

My first elder boy was like that. But once he started school... i tell you, NON STOP YIK YAK!


And I think it's a boy line their cars up neatly, in a row. My boys... always doing that. Which makes sense, coz that's how they see traffic!!! LOL!

10:44 AM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

hehehe, i told hubby maybe this is a boy know, not the perfect type unlike girls...the more refine product of GOD! :)

9:56 AM  
Blogger Marsha Maung said...

blinka, i know the worries!!!! my god! i went through hell for it!

my elder son is a LOT LIKE THAT. he also tend to flap his arms, rock on his bottom, hide under his blanket, is reclusive, don't like to have friends....etc. all signs of autism.

but now, we discovered that he had low self-esteem problems and a little dyslexic. which makes him feel stupid because the teachers all said he was stupid. BUT HE CAN'T READ! :-(

cried like nobody's business. he cry, i cry, everybody cry.

but now, he's better. his studies suffer because his language skills is not there.

what you should do is to get him checked but autism is quite hard to detect when he's too young leh....but the worries.


8:13 PM  

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