Thursday, July 09, 2009

Jien at 2.5 yo

It has been a long time since my last blog...miss me??

Anyway, I do miss all of ya...

I was not exactly THAT busy. Anyway, being at home, I noticed my elder son is acting pretty much like a very lonesome child. His main companion is TV and TV alone (oops, I left out his con-the-puter [his- computer, that is the way he pronounces it, on purpose]). Ok ok, yes, he is spoilt to the brim!! 2.5 yo with a computer - laptop to be exact!

I do sneak out to play with him for a while, but I guess that is not enough. Having peer group to play with is a different story all together...

Off late, Jien started to LOVE spelling!! He picked up his old books again with a new interest - to spell, my memorizing of course! He now can spell - cat, dog, bird, papa, mama (no more mrm!), bat, ball and owl. That's all.

Whenever we are out, any signboard that is in bold and catch his attention, he would start to spell out the word. Cute!

But this worry mama starts to get a bit jittery that the son will become 'banana'. Most of my friends' children have this problem of refusing to speak Chinese. Wahhhh!! That is utterly not what we want! I noticed my child will turn into one soon if I do not start talking to him in Chinese NOW. So lately, I purposely talk to him in Chinese, I just don't care if he understands it or not.

Our Chinese 'lessons' which took place in the morning at my last trimester with Jung ended when Jung was born. I speak to Jung in Chinese from the very beginning and I never feel odd about it. But since I started speaking English to Jien, it felt a bit odd to switch though. Sigh...

With all his fantastic fabulous nouns and verbs that he is using and speaking, there are only TWO things that he refuses to say. One small one big. Nope, not 4D or DaMaChai lah please...The small one - wee wee and the big one POO POO!!

Yes, he simply refuses to tell and that make us all very busy searching for clues to avoid the after MESS since he is already off diapers! Gosh! Parents out there, any tips for me please?

He still needs to be fed..well, am I spoiling him??

x x x

With all the points above, I am planning something for him to do. Something BIG and would surely left him in awe and tears..

I will tell you in detail next time...kekeke

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Anonymous clair said...

Your Jien is such a darling and obviously very bright!! I think since he's so clever, maybe you could try encouraging/explaining to him that he should tell you when he needs to pee/poo. I'm sure he'll understand.

1:47 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

oh trust me, he knows! and we had explained to him zillion X already!! but he is just so shy to tell and previously he even hid himself when doing poo poo! *OMG*

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Seow Wei said...

Ya miss you lah, so long no write...hahaha

Jien is so cute, such a shy boy, don't even want to tell if he wants to wee or poo. Well. sooner or later he will tell lah, he is such a bright boy :)... My son is the opposite, he likes to study the shape of his poop, he will name it donut or heartshape, whatever, that little disgusting fella!

4:36 PM  
Blogger blinka.Li said...

S Wei,
wah!! kakaka! that is FUNNY!! he can be a Doctor for one though! Doctor must always see disgusting thing dont you think? :)

11:01 AM  

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