Friday, May 29, 2009

It takes a Mother...

I was lying down at my usual salon at DH having my hair washed and getting ready for my long due hair cut. My eyes started to well up and tears streamed down my cheeks.

Yes. I was crying.


I was happily walking towards the salon and as I reached there, I heard a young lady's screams. Hysteric scream. I stood still. I saw her car all the way up the curb, obviously she reversed her car too fast probably and the whole car went up the wide curb. But her screams sounds panicky and onlookers rushed to help her. Kind Malaysian, I thought. But the face of all onlookers told me something is not right. She was looking down and looked away. Repeatedly.

I waved to my hairdresser and went in. I thought she was just a young girl driving her father's car and now so panicky for she knocked the car....


I was told there is a BODY down there. A small girl. Maybe 3 years old.

My heart shivered. My body felt cold. My fingers went numb. 3? Just like Jien...Tears streamed down.


Later on, the news came back and said that the lady was actually the driver AND the mother of the girl. She could have moved in the wrong gear and reversed too fast and knocked down the little one who was standing on the curb. They said the little one's head was crushed....Tears welled up again.

I don't know how I can be so sentimental. Maybe I am a mother now.

But life seems so fragile. Life can be so cruel, the way the daughter was brought to rest is just simply too unexpected and .........poor mother, how is she going to go through her life now knowing that she is the one who ramped her daughter under the wheels.....


Even after I left the salon, there were still crowds at the site with police and ambulance..

I did not joined them. Yes, useless me. But what can I do? Watching her cry? I don't want to record the scene in my brain. I can go crazy..

With a heavy heart, I uttered a prayer for both the girl and the mother.

Rest in peace, little one. God loves you...


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Anonymous clair said...

Read it in the news today. OMG you were there? Must've been a very nasty shock, it's tragic.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Seow Wei said...

My tears welled up by just reading ur blog. Poor lttle girl would not have felt the pain by now, poor mother would have to endure the guilt and pain for the rest of her life.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous mott said...

this is so sad...

you're right...can't help but feel terrible. The guilt she'll endure.

Note to self...never let kids near car no matter what.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Marsha Maung said...

OMG.....this is very very very very tragic. i read it in the newspaper as well thinking the same thing. how can the mother live the rest of her life knowing that she, however big the accident was, ended her own child's life?

very very sad.

12:03 AM  

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